Hi Friends!

Over the years I’ve shared free recipes on many different platforms! Live Journal, Mr. Ridiculous, PakuPaku, Cake Maker to the Stars, XGFX, Julie & Kittee and probably others that I can’t remember.

I’m hoping to build the recipe section of this site into an archive to share my best new recipes along with culled ones from my old platforms.

Expect to see a variety of my best recipes! Many will reflect how I currently eat, which is mostly a whole foods, oil-free, vegan and gluten-free diet with a protein emphasis, and others will likely include ingredients I haven’t eaten in a looOong time like gluten or added oil (although everything will obviously always be vegan).

Everything will be tagged accordingly and easy to sort. Most of the recipes will be available for free, however, I am planning to build content that can only be accessed through an inexpensive membership. Either via Patreon, or directly through this site, once I figure out how to do that!

Why am I charging for some of my content? The fact is – I’d rather share my talents and experience with a few people who value my work and time with a few dollars each month, than continue to share all of my efforts for free.

If you’d like to support me without a membership, I have a tip jar here. You can read more about my plans for Kittee Bee here.

.דאָס עפּעלע פֿאַלט ניש װײַט פֿון בײמעלע

Dos epele falt nisht vayt fun beymele. Apples don’t fall far from the tree.